Sunday 27 September 2009

Analysis of Magazine 4: Cosmopolitan

Cosmopolitan is a well known fashion magazine.

On this cover, Jennifer is placed in front of the title to show her importance towards the magazine and also how high her star status is.

The colours, red and orange, shows the fiesty attitude of Jennifer. It also symbolizes the sun, the summer season. Her posture with her hands slightly pulling her dress shows that she has confidence towards herself. She doesnt smile in this cover and keeps a straight face. Her eyes, her flowing hair and her tanned body attracts the audience as this shows her wild personality. This also shows that she can be flirtacious.

J-Lo is wearing a revealing summer dress which goes with the theme of the magazine, "Sexy swimsuits". She is directly showing her cleavage to the audience which helps picture the image in a more sexier way.

The camera shot used is a mid shot to show off her dress that she is promoting for the magazine. This is an advantage towards the magazine as it is a fashion magazine.

The lighting used here is bright. This helps bring the image out more realistic and brings out the clothing that she is wearing.

Analysis of Magazine 3: People

People magazine is a well known US celebrity magazine for a worldwide audience.

The image of Jennifer and her newborn baby twins is set in a homely environment. This image shows her motherlyhood and her maturity. She is positioned in front of the title which shows how important she is than the magazine.

J-lo has a bright smile and her hair is tied up to emphasise her euphoria. Her head is slightly tilted closely to her newborn children to share the happiness she has experienced.

J-Lo is wearing clothes that blends in with the background. She reveals her shoulders which shows us that she still has an impact her in her glamourous lifestyle she is living in as well as being a mother.

The camera shot used here is a close up. The close up shot concentrates just her facial features and her baby twins to show that they would be the important subject the magazine would be focusing on. This also engages the audience to feel warm and close to Jennifer.

The lighting used is low contrasting light and the use of colours are very warm and light. These colours enables us that Jennifer and the twins are welcome back to their home and that they are well.

Analysis of Magazine 2: FHM

FHM is a man's magazine aimed towards only to a male audience.

From looking at the magazine, Jennifer is in a bikini to attract the male audience. Her head is placed in front of the title showing that she is the attention of the magazine which attracts her to the main audience.

She is crouching on the sand and with her hand on the floor and holding on her hip. This gives a bit of a sexy tension for the men to entertain the audience. Her messy hair and straight face is to keep the sexy look towards the magazine. Jennifer's costume only covers the main private parts of the body; this allows the audience to see her physique and her curves. "Goddess" is used in big bright red letters showing that she is symbolized as a sex symbol rather than she was interpreted in the other magazines.

The camera shot used is a full bodied shot. This allows the audience to see her entire body and attract the male audience.

The lighting used are very bight. This is to emphasise her physique and tone. The lights used makes her body glow and shows her sexiness towards herself.

Saturday 26 September 2009

Analysis of Magazine 1: InStyle

InStyle magazine is a well known fashion and beauty magazine from the UK.

From looking at the magazine, the image of Jennifer Lopez is placed in front of the title. This emphasises her importance to the issue of the magazine. Also, the use of buzz words used on the bottom left; her name is in bold capital letters also shows how important she is towards the magazine. Her hair tied back tight shows the inner beauty features of her face especially the lipstick that she is wearing.

Jennifer is stands slightly to the side with her hands on her hips. This presents Jennifer in a much safer way than she is when facing forwards. This also shows her curves and the detail of the dress.
This represents her glamourous lifestyle and the hierarchy of her fame. Also, this shows that she is stylish and wealthy. Her perfect smile informs the audience that she is a friendly person.

The camera shot used is a mid shot. This is used as this shows the audience a clear view of Jennifer's features such as her body and face.

The lighting used are very bright to help add an effect towards the image. This helps her star status to her fame.