Monday 26 April 2010


It was surprising to find singing talent from Korea because of the techno and dance scene that has swept the nation but we managed to find it in “the artist” and we have an exclusive interview with her today. Just at the age of 17, she is about to release her second single, “Finally”. Just a normal teenage kid who is about to take her exams to go university, she has a life that no one would compare to. With the dramatic events that have been occurring this month for Kim, it has been a delight for K Tunes to have her time.

Kim, how are you? [Smiles] I’m fine thanks. Yourself?
I’m pretty good [smile] How are you coping with this new lifestyle? Have you adapted? I still think that this is still a dream. This new lifestyle is very hard to work around with as I am also keeping up my studies so even though I have a music career education has to be my number 1 priority. I take up dancing as well and have big competitions soon. I literally have no time for myself. Just winning Korean Idol had changed my life massively. I’m not a kid no more, I’m a pop star.
Wow, that sounds stressful. There have been many stories about your competition on Korean idol. Your friends posted a poll for you to enter Korean Idol, is that true? [Laugh] I told my friends that I wouldn’t enter Korean Idol unless I had at least 100,000 votes. What my friends did instead was created a fan page on facebook. Can you believe it facebook? She created a fan page and on the discussion page was a little brief saying that I wouldn’t enter unless I had at least 100,000 people agreeing. She even posted a YouTube link of me singing. [Laugh] I couldn’t believe that I had so many supporters and that they actually loved my singing and said to go for it. I couldn’t refuse after this so I went for it. Auditions were pretty scary but look at where I am now. Now this is scary, to be here.
That is amazing to have friends that had strong support, what did your family think of you entering? My friends are truly amazing. There was a bit of a disagreement of me entering. I had exams and deadlines during the competition. They were more worried that I wouldn’t pass my exams as they were stricter about education rather than my hobby. However, I did have full support once I entered. I wanted to prove to my parents that I could do exams and auditions rather than thinking negatively. It isn’t just me that has been through this.
So, did you manage to prove your parents wrong? Passed? Failed? I actually managed to do better than what I was predicted by my teachers. [Grin] My parents were ecstatic and gave me a big celebration party with all my family and friends. But now they are back to their strict self as this is college and hearing stories from my cousins, it gave a fright to my parents. I have a home tutor for my subjects so I am on track with my studies and not into my music as I am already.
So tell us more about your single? My second single is called “Finally”. It will be released in 2 weeks from today so look out for it. The single is based on dreams that I have pictured or wanted. And the title of the song gives it away as I have my dream. I’m living my dream. [smile] Hopefully the audience understands that the song.
Have you begun to work on your album? I won’t be releasing my album anytime yet. I’m still working on lyric writing for upcoming singles and once that is finalised and recorded hopefully my album would be a success. I am actually working on my dance competition that will take place in June. So I am aiming for my album release to be around Christmas.
Oh yes, not only do you have the vocal talents, you also have the body moves? [Laughs] I always loved dancing from my young childhoods. I was inspired by Anna Pavlova. She was a ballet dancer and was starred in the creation role of “The Dying Swan”. Dancing and singing combines together so it’s great. When it comes to choreographing, I like to make up moves and blend it in with the choreographing. Some singers that I know don’t have the pure confidence to dance on stage and have difficulties to multi-task.
That sounds amazing. Not only do we have a vocal talent we also have a dancer. You have so much talent but if it wasn’t for your friends, you would be hiding your talent.
Yeah I guess so, my friends are great. But I did want to kill them at the time because my personality was shy and I didn’t have a lot of confidence for myself. But I know that I wouldn’t have done this without them as now I no what the experience is like [smiles] I am still the same old because I am still pretty shy and I still haven’t gained a lot of confidence especially singing on stages even though there is no one in the audience.
What would you say to your fellow fans or to the audience itself especially to the guys that have talent but are too afraid to show it?
Just have great friends [laughs] To be honest, this is where I am now due to my friends. Without them I wouldn’t be here. Never be afraid of what you love. I had no confidence within myself and was still hiding my talent skills. Everyone out there, there is a hidden talent. Don’t be afraid of what you love.

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