Monday 22 February 2010

Analysis of NME contents page

Looking at the NME contents page, the layout of the contents page illustrates a newspaper article. This is shown by the cut out of newspaper typo which is placed just below the picture. The picture of the band “Blur” controls the contents page as this is the first time since they have been pictured together and have reunited. The front cover of the NME promoted the band “My Chemical Romance” and as the contents referred to a different band; this shows that NME is based on all music gossip rather than having articles. As the band that is showed they are male members, this is mainly targeted to a young male audience. At the corner of the bottom right page, there is a small snapshot of the January 2010 issue of NME which is a promotional offer at a discounted price. On the left is a long strip of articles that will appear in the magazine. The colour scheme of the contents page is similarly the same to the cover page; black, white and red. From looking at the page, a house style has been developed. This is because information has been divided into sections making it neat and presentable for the audience. The 3 sections are the page numbers and titles, the central image and text explaining the image and the subscription shown on the bottom of the page. The logo is placed on the top right hand corner and is not outstanding for the audience to be appealed to as it is small. Even though it is small, having the logo on the page still shows its signature.

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