Monday 22 February 2010

Analysis of Q contents page

The contents page is on a double page spread and spaced out neatly surrounded by images. As the front cover is related to Cheryl Cole, the contents page is also dedicated to her as well; this is due to the release of her new album and a promotional technique. The images that are used are music artists showing that this is a music magazine and that there main focus is on music. There is a title for the page “Q Contents”; this shows the signature and the unique style that Q magazine has. Also on the other page, the title block shows what number issue that the magazine is. The colours that they had use for the title are black and red which also illustrates the signature of the magazine. Changing of fonts and style for each page will make the magazine look unorganised and cheap. From just looking at the contents page, the only colours that they use are black and red and the same style of font is used which follows the conventions of the front colour.
The image has a number of images are used on the page. Pictures have been blown up to initiate that the image of the person is important and that the article must be read. The images that are used interpret that the audience are a female target audience as there are images of main artists and the layout of each image has a brief of the article which shows us gossip and women tend to enjoy gossip. There could be a use of a male audience as well as there are music reviews and men are more likely to read them. On the second page on the top right hand corner is a small image of the front cover. This allows the audience to remember what the magazine’s main image is and can be easier for the audience to interpret from this. From looking at the contents page, a house style has been developed as the information has been split according to the information that is represented with the image. This makes the magazine look creative and neat. The logo is shown in the title block to show that the signature stays put throughout the magazine. It is bold and big for the audience to see and as said before this keeps the magazine’s signature stay within the magazine.

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